Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scientific integrity

The battle between the paleontologists Marsh and Cope, made me think about the morality and justice to any given credit behind a discovery or exploration. Who takes the credit for it?

It made me disbelief and questions the names on science after reading how this scientists played with the funding dates of publications, steal specimens and credit of new discoveries, and employed assistance to do the work for them. More over, even the strategy made by cope to get the publication printed first by buying and controlling part of the American Natural journal was also kind of concerning.

I found a report on Wikipedia from 2007 about scientific integrity , which made me question science even more:

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_Integrity_in_Policymaking )

"Scientific Integrity in Policymaking: An Investigation into the Bush Administration's Misuse of Science" is the title of a report published by the Union of Concerned Scientists in February, 2004. The report was the culmination of an investigation of the Bush administration's objectivity in science, and ultimately a criticism thereof. (After it was published, the report's existence was fairly well-publicized by the United States' mass media.)

"Suppression and distortion of research findings"

Rice, Powell, Bush, and Rumsfeld

A central thesis of the report, according to the Executive Summary (on page 2 of the text), was that the Bush administration had behaved in ways considered to be consistent with the following three situations.

1. Epidemic altering and concealing of scientific information by senior officials in various federal agencies

2. Active censorship of scientific information that the administration considered threatening to its own philosophies

Restriction of the ability of government-supported scientists to freely communicate scientific ideas related to "sensitive" issues

"An unprecedented pattern of behavior"

In "Part III", the text of the report posits that the aforementioned activities are unprecedented in the history of the United States. The report lists the following persons and organization who had supposedly acted or made statements to support this claim.

This list is sorted first by category, then by the order in which the persons or organizations are mentioned in the report.

3. Organization

REP America

4. Persons

Ruckelshaus, William

Train, Russell

Panofsky, Dr. Wolfgang H. K.

Goldberger, Dr. Marvin

Scarlett, Dr. Margaret

Kennedy, Donald

Bromley, Dr. D. Allan

Branscomb, Professor Lewis M.

Goldman, Dr. Lynn

The report's table of contents

The following is a duplication of the report's table of contents.

5. Executive summary

6. Part I: Suppression and distortion of research findings at federal agencies

Distorting and suppressing climate change research

Censoring information on air quality

Mercury emissions from power plants

Addressing multiple air pollutants

Distorting scientific knowledge on reproductive health issues

Abstinence-only education


Breast cancer

Suppressing analysis on airborne bacteria

Misrepresenting evidence on Iraq's aluminum tubes

Manipulation of science regarding the endangered species act

Missouri River

Manipulating the scientific process on forest management

OMB rulemaking on "peer review"

7. Part II: Undermining the quality and integrity of the appointment process

Industry influence on lead poisoning prevention panel

Political litmus tests on workplace safety panel

Non-scientist in senior advisory role to the President

Underqualified candidates in health advisory roles

The FDA's Reproductive Health Advisory Committee

Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Litmus tests for scientific appointees

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Army Science Board

Dismissal of nuclear weapons and arms control panels

National Nuclear Security Administration panel

Arms control panel

8. Part III: An unprecedented pattern of behavior

Disseminating research from federal agencies

Irregularities in appointments to scientific advisory panels

9. Conclusions and recommendations: What's at stake

Restoring scientific integrity to federal policy making

10. Appendices

EPA memo on climate section of the Report on the Environment

USDA "sensitive issue" list

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