Monday, April 26, 2010

museum 4/22 hall of biodiversity and ocean life

In the very beginning of the Hall of Biodiversity, there is a short movie about all of the earth's creatures and plants. It is not necessarily spreading the message of conservation, but the movie is very honest about the damage that humans are causing to the earth's natural equilibrium. It brings me to question what the role of humans really is and what can be done to reverse the damage that has been done to this planet. There is just so much junk here. Even if there were to be another astroid strike or something equivalent, could the earth recycle and renew? Or will it just be eliminated completely. The question of weather humans are separate or a part of nature is unanswerable but one thing remains clear: humans take up most of this planet, so weather they are a part of nature or not, the two are interconnected. In the exhibit, there were many areas discussing the efforts to sustain the rainforest and how the local people were disregarding these efforts by logging, poaching, subsistence farming, and illegal diamond mining. This made me think of the Tsing reading 'This Earth This Island' and how indigenous rights have become entangled with conservation initiatives. There is no easy solution. The rainforest can provide, but it also needs to be protected; protected by humans from humans.

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