Monday, March 29, 2010

response "feature"

In response to the “feature” Reading by Gerald Sider , I believe he is right in many aspects but may be a little narrowed in some others . Yes its true that in many cases military forces from powerful countries have decided that they need to know more about the people it seeks to dominate and control, and for this reason use ethnographers research . But on the other hand it could be seen as a way to educate them about the culture and what it would mean to destroy certain valuable objects, monuments or idols ect. Ignorance has been one of the big causes of the destruction and loss of many cultures. He is obviously right when he states that we need to be aware of the issues brought by the state or capital plans of domination and exploitation of the people they study. But they could use their knowledge to manipulate information so that it is used in the right way. As anthropologist one should know how to read everyone’s silence, and so discover its intentions. its all a matter of strategy towards a better end.

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